Mental Health | Self-Care

Using Positive Affirmations

By on February 20, 2018
positive affirmation

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are a very powerful tool in self-care for helping us change the way we think. They assist us in focusing on the good things in life and giving us hope. Simply put, affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself. Positive affirmations have been used for centuries and it is very obvious why- they work! But what exactly are positive affirmations? How can positive statements truly help me? How do you use them effectively? Do not worry, I have it all covered for you below!

What are Positive Affirmations?

As I just mentioned, positive affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself. Any short and declarative statement will work for your affirmation! There are three simple rules for your affirmations to make them as effective as possible.

1 | Always in the present tense

Being fully present when you are repeating your affirmations is very important. You are focusing on who you are now. Do not dread the past or anticipate the future with your affirmations, be fully present. Focus on yourself and the affirmation.

2 | Only use positive words

Affirmations are focusing on the good. You want to focus on the positives and the hopes you have. Do not focus on what you do not want to happen! When you focus on what you do not want, you become filled with worry, fear, and what ifs. When you focus on what you want, you are using the law of attraction and reminding yourselves that what you want is available to you.

3 | Spoken as statements of facts and truth

When you are repeating your positive affirmations, you must believe them. If your affirmation is “You are strong,” you do not need to be the strongest person ever. You just need to believe in the strength you do have. You must believe what you are saying! Remember that you are growing continuously and becoming the positive affirmations.

Examples of Positive Affirmations

I am ready.

I am calm and capable.

I believe in the person I want to become.

I can do this.

I am both a masterpiece and work in progress.

I may not understand the good in this situation but it is there. (Blessing in disguise!)

I am worth loving. There is love all around me.

Why affirmations work

1 |Reframe the Moment

Positive affirmations reframe the moment you are in by focusing on the positive. Fear and negativity can be powerful emotions, but luckily so are hope and positivity. Positive affirmations use positive suggestion to take over those negative thoughts, if you will. You are refocusing on the good and boosting yourself emotionally in the process. Positive affirmations have the power to take your train of thought on an entirely new- and hopeful- path!

2 |Improve Self-Image

At first, your affirmations might feel…awkward. I know mine did. I had a tiny seed of belief that I trusted myself, but here I am repeating to myself, “I trust my inner wisdom and intuition.” However, the more I repeated the affirmation, the more I grew to believe it. I began to trust myself more and more. The new and positive self-talk might feel strange at first, but over time it will work its magic. As long as you are fully present and believe in your affirmations, your self-image will benefit greatly.

When to use Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations can be used at any time! Something I absolutely love about them! Positive affirmations can give you hope in a dark time and help with the understanding that everything is temporary. You can use your positive affirmations to help replace negative thoughts or use them alone to help build up your self-image and overall positive feelings. Another one of my favorite times to use them is first thing in the morning! Start your day off on the right foot by getting into the right mindset. Using a positive affirmation in the morning can set your goal and intention for the day and help bring you a sense of calm and strength to use throughout the day. You can also write out your positive affirmations so you can see them! I have several on my vision board to help!

RELATED: Morning Routines! Benefits and How To Create A Positive Start Daily

Am I Doing Positive Affirmations correctly?

Positive affirmations are very powerful, so we want to make sure we are using them as effectively as possible. In addition to the tips above about the affirmations themselves, here are some key tips when using these positive affirmations!

Use a mirror. Looking at yourself in the eyes while repeating the affirmation out loud makes the connection between yourself and the words stronger. Smile at yourself too- remember you are doing this to improve yourself!

Take it slow. Do not rush the affirmation. Speak slowly and clearly out loud, being sure to absorb every word and the meaning behind it. Feel the power of what you are saying.

Repeat. Repeat the affirmation at least three times during your session, the more the better. This is a mindful practice, where habit plays a key role as well.

Practice daily. The more we repeat our affirmations, the stronger the connections grow. Over time you will notice the positive impact these affirmations have on you. You can set aside time every morning to practice your affirmations and build your self-image (put it on your habit tracker!).

If you are unable to say your affirmation out loud, that does not mean you cannot say it to yourself! There have been times when I have started to feel anxious in public and start repeating these affirmations to myself. Even when I am not anxious but my mind is negatively wandering, I will start repeating my affirmations to myself.

Practicing Affirmations

Affirmations are something I believe are highly underrated today. After I started practicing affirmations, I could not stop! And believe me, I won’t! After learning about the connections between mental health and cleanliness, I even starting saying affirmations as I did dishes! Sure, it might look strange that I am shouting how awesome I am while I clean dirty plates- but who cares? I feel the positivity in my mind and body, and that is all that matters! Well, that and doing dishes I guess. The point is that affirmations are a resource that are always available to you, are easy to use, and works!

Do you use positive affirmations? Does my post motivate you want to start? Do you have favorite positive affirmations you use frequently? Let me know! Please comment below and tell me what you think of my tips and if you have any tips to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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Mental Health | Self-Care

Vision Board: What, How, and Help Making Yours!

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vision board: how and why plus free printable

Visions for Yourself

Where do you see yourself in the future? What do you want to be, do, have, or feel in life? This is not an easy question to answer, but it is an important one. If we do not know what we want in life, then how can we go about our journey to get it? A vision board is an amazing tool to help you create this vision for yourself and make your vision happen right before your eyes!

“Don’t be a victim of circumstances and let life design you. Take an active role and be the one who designs your life.” -Unknown Share on X

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is exactly what it sounds like- a physical representation of the visions you have for your life! You know the saying “a picture is worth 1,000 words”? Well, that is the whole idea with a vision board. Even if you have an idea of how you want your future to look, a vision board still helps. If you are not sure why a vision board will help you or how to make one, just keep reading and I have it all covered for you!

Why do I need it?

A vision board helps you in oh so many ways! Here are the three main reasons a vision board helps you reach your goals.

1 |Clarify your vision.

It is hard to visualize the future we want. Even harder to get specific with these ideas for ourselves. With a vision board, we are asking ourselves to truly picture the life we want and the feelings we wish to have.

2 |Life is distracting.

We can feel as if we are pulled in a million different directions with everyone needing something from us- work, school, family, friends… This makes it extremely hard to focus on our own vision. It is all too easy to lose sight of what we want, which is why we need the vision board to keep reminding us.

3 |Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the idea that what we focus on in life allows us to attract it. The same idea as to whatever you focus on expands. The vision boards reinforce our vision and the intentions we are setting for our lives! Bringing this hope and positivity into your life will bring more hope and positivity while bringing you to your goals! (Similarly why I write in my gratitude journal daily!)

How To Make a Vision Board?

1 |Reflect!

Before making your vision board, you must reflect on your vision for yourselves. What do you want in life? What feelings do you want to have and what type of person do you want to be? What types of experiences do you want? There is a lot to consider when envisioning your future. The key component is what is important to you. To help you with your reflection I made a printable specifically for making your vision board- check it out here!

2 |Believe!

After reflecting on what you want, you must believe that these things are actually available to you! If you create your vision board but do not believe in yourself and your vision, it truly is not a vision board. You must feel connected to your dreams and trust in yourself and the process of life. Remember, the only limits in life you have are the ones you create for yourself! Positive growth is always an option.

Related: Five Lessons For Positive Growth From Caterpillars 

3 |Create!

Now that your vision and beliefs are in place all that is left is the physical board to display your future! You are free to use any method you want, but I prefer a board I can update and change frequently. Because of that I would suggest a magnetic or cork board rather than gluing right onto poster board. The images are also whatever you like best! You can go through magazines, search the internet, use personal photos or draw them yourself! Be sure every image is something that you want and feel a true connection to. Make time for yourself to make this vision board- be free from distractions and in a relaxing and pleasant environment to make the connection as strong as possible.

What to put on the Vision Board?

The vision board is for your vision! Therefore, you get to put whatever YOU want on the board!  In addition to the vision board planning printable I created for you, here is a little more help on what to put on your board.

Positive Affirmations. I have placed some positive affirmations on my vision board for motivation and to help remind myself that building my future, and myself, is a process. One that really speaks to me that is currently on my board is, “I am both a masterpiece and a work in progress.” – Sophia Bush

Past Accomplishments– I placed some photos or memorabilia from times I have surprised myself in a good way. Times when I was not sure how I would do it, but wow I did it! I found that adding these have helped remind me that I can do what I set my mind to! We need to celebrate our victories!

Someone You Admire– If there is a specific person who inspires you, feel free to put them on your vision board! Maybe it is someone you know that always seems to keep their cool and look on the bright side, or it is a famous poet who has inspired you to write.

When to look at your vision board?

Place your vision board somewhere you can look at it easily and often! I have mine located right above my desk. This helps me when I am working and start to feel stuck. I just take a step back, look at my vision board, drink some water, and remember what I am working for!  

Your vision board is such an important tool and the more we are able to spend time visualizing our future positively, the better! You can even take a picture of your vision board to make it your screensaver on your phone and laptop! Make it a habit to look at your vision board at minimum twice a day, every morning and night. You can even add this to your habit tracker! I like to also imagine my board as I fall asleep at night, allowing my visions to make their way into my dreams.  

Related: Morning Routines! Benefits and How To Create A Positive Start Daily

Make Your Vision

Do you have a vision board? Does my post make you want to create one? If so, I would love to see the vision board you create- just tag @Brightside_Bear on social media! Please comment below and tell me what you think of my tips and if you have any tips to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear

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Mental Health

Five Lessons For Positive Growth From Caterpillars

By on February 12, 2018
lessons for positive growth from caterpillars

Growth is a beautiful, and necessary, part of life! But growth is also painful. It is easy to fantasize about the future while overlooking all of the work, struggle and obstacles you will have to overcome. Because life is constantly changing, we are constantly being asked to adjust.

Why Growing Pains

Even when change is a positive thing, we still experience growing pains. It is difficult going out of our comfort zone and changing the habits we have developed. But, that does not mean the growth should not happen! Beautiful and wonderful things happen outside of our comfort zone!

When I began to think of change, I immediately thought of a caterpillar growing into a butterfly. After some reflection of this beautiful creature, I realized there were so many lessons from the caterpillar’s journey to a butterfly we could learn from! Here are the five lessons from caterpillars I found helpful for our own growth.

1 | Nourishment for growth

Did you know that caterpillars eat almost non stop when they are born? They are fueling their body for what is about to happen! Filling themselves with the nourishment they need for the journey ahead. We need to nourish ourselves for growth before the transition too! But how? By surrounding ourselves with what allows and encourages us to grow and flourish. This means taking care of yourself! Making sure you are staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, as well as practicing self-care and gratitude are all ways to nourish yourself for positive growth. The book Healing The Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families served as an amazing resource for my growth- you can read my review here!

2 | Safe Space

After fueling up, the caterpillar finds a safe and sheltered spot for the transformation. They search for a safe space away from predators and harsh conditions to form their cocoon where the journey will take place. We must do the same with ourselves. Finding a safe place means both your physical space and emotional wellbeing. This calls for some evaluation of ourselves… How does your physical space look? The connections between our mental health and cleanliness of space are too strong to ignore. You can even make a self-care kit to create a calming space for yourself. How are your relationships? Reflect on how you feel with certain people. Do you find yourself being a people pleaser to others or being excited to see them? Is your social media toxic or inspirational? Evaluate your space and what is serving you for growth and what is holding you back.

3 | Everything We Need Is Inside of Us

When caterpillars are inside of their hard shell, their bodies are completely transformed. I always knew this, but recently I found out that their bodies change into 100% liquid form. The body is broken down entirely and then rebuilt into something new. Their body is recycled. I found this part of the process beautiful for the fact that everything the caterpillar needs to become a butterfly is already inside of itself! Too often when we are trying to have a positive change in our lives we feel that we are not enough and are not capable of becoming the person we envision ourselves becoming. We are not giving ourselves enough credit! Even when looking at the caterpillar and butterfly side by side it is hard to imagine that the caterpillar has everything to be a butterfly- but it is true. When going through changes we must remember that we are more than enough and have everything we need inside of ourselves.

4 | Cannot Tell From the Outside

When a caterpillar is hanging from the leaf in its safe space, the transformation taking place on the inside is invisible to us. The same is true for our change. We will be working so hard on ourselves, but others will not be able to see everything that is happening. The caterpillar is not bothered by those walking by not noticing the change it is working on, the caterpillar is just focused on itself. This is because the journey is not for those to watch, it is for the caterpillar to experience. Our journey of growth is for ourselves to feel and experience, not for others to watch.  

5 | Still Need to Find our Way

I always picture a butterfly flying out of its cocoon with such grace- floating towards the sunlight and above beautiful flowers! That is not what actually happens. When the butterfly emerges, its wings are still soft and still do not have all of the blood circulating. The butterfly needs to rest and learn a little before being able to fly off. We are no different! It is too easy to think that after the emotional growth we now know everything and are a new person. While we have grown a lot, we still need to learn and practice this growth. We need to work on keeping these positive habits we have developed!

Be the Butterfly

If there is one thing constant in life, it is change. Everything is temporary including where we are in life, which is why we have to continuously grow. By being aware of and tracking our habits, and staying motivated we can follow the caterpillar’s example into and turn into our own butterfly!

What has helped you in times of change and growth? Please comment below and tell me what you think of the lessons I learned from the caterpillar’s journey and any tips to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

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Mental Health | Relationships | Self-Care

Taking Off the “I’m Fine” Mask

By on January 29, 2018
taking off the I'm fine mask

Fine Culture

I think the cultural norm of asking people how they are and replying in a simple and polite way has slipped into my close relationships. My mind replies to everyone in the polite, simple way that is masking my true feelings. 

Now, I am not saying to tell the nice barista your life story when she is asking for your order during the morning rush. There are times when people are in fact just asking how you are doing to be polite and for casual small talk because it has become a social norm. But your support system and loved ones do care how you are doing when they ask! Keep reading to learn why we need to take off the “I’m fine” mask and four steps to take!

Why Stop

When our loved ones are asking us how we are, they do so because they really do care. They are not exchanging simple small talk- they care about you and want to be there for you! Think about it like this- wouldn’t you want to know if your loved one was not fine?  By saying you are fine when you are not, you are building a wall of isolation around you. Your loved ones are unable to be there for you because you are not letting them. So, how do we tear down the “I’m fine” wall that is keeping us from receiving help and support?  Keep reading to see how I am breaking down this wall!

How to Stop

1 | Reflect

Why do I say I am fine when I am not? Why do I have this reaction to put on a mask? Take some time to think of yourself in your “I’m fine” mindset. Why are you keeping the mask on? I decided to journal about this to help clarify my thoughts.

After my reflection, here are five of the reasons why I respond with “I’m fine” that I think are probably common ones.

Your reasons might be similar or completely different. The important reason is to reflect on why you are putting this mask on for your loved ones. The book Healing The Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families is a wonderful resource for helping you be honest with your feelings and the reason behind them (you can read my book review here).

2 | Reach Out

It is so hard to ask for help! It does not help when you are telling others you are fine when you are not- creating more isolation. When I was in a better mental state, I told my support system about my automatic response. I told them how I heard the words leave my mouth, but they seemed out of my control. I told my support about my reflection and why I might have this response now. Yes, this was a hard conversation to have. But, it was necessary! Your support needs to know when you need them in order to help and support you. I kept reminding myself if the roles were reversed I would want a loved one to reach out to me. Help them help you.

3 | Develop a Plan

Time for more reflection! What is it that you really need when you tell someone you’re fine? Do you need a listening ear? A positive distraction? A big (Brightside) bear hug? Maybe it varies, is a combination of all three, or something completely different. That is more than okay.

To begin, I told my support that I need them to be persistent in asking me what is wrong, to the point of nagging me. I needed help breaking my automatic response. Then we brainstormed some other ways to open up in these situations. For instance, instead of asking “How are you? asking, “What emotions are you feeling right now?” allows for a different mindset.

Talk to your support about what could help you open up or help you feel better in these situations and develop a plan. I also came up with using code words with my support! This was so helpful that I wrote an entire article just about using code words with your support that you can check out here!

4 | Practice Speaking Up

What is going on in your life? How are you really feeling? Becoming more honest and aware of your emotions in general will help you from putting on your fine mask. It can be scary talking about our emotions and what is going on. I am a big fan of writing about your feelings to help you process what is happening. Many times I have journaled about something and then talked to someone about the same issue. You can even write your loved one a letter about what is going on. Another option is to set aside time with your support for regular check-ins. This could be anything from a weekly dinner together to a daily chat. I am forever grateful that I live with my support. We have made it a habit – even on our habit trackers – to go on a walk together daily. On our walks we leave our phones behind and just talk about our days, checking in with one another.

RELATED: Using a Journal for Self-Care: Six Benefits of Writing it Out

Not Fine

It is okay to not be okay in life, just remember that everything is temporary. You might need help changing perspective or bringing more gratitude into your life. Be sure to keep up with your self-care! Seemingly simple things such as staying hydrated and having a clean space help us more than we realize! Of course be sure to show appreciation to your support too!

Do you find yourself telling your support that you are fine when you are not? Please comment below and tell me what you think of my tips and if you have any tips to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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Mental Health | Self-Care

Why Done Lists Help My Mental Health

By on January 15, 2018
To do list to done list mental health

From To-Do List to Done List

To do lists. Some people live by them, others avoid them like the plague. I have personally done both in my life. I noticed that my to-do lists do not help me when my mental health is suffering though. In fact, to do lists actually make my mental health and productivity worse.

A big reason to do lists don’t work is because they are overwhelming. At first, my mind is rushing with items that I need to get done and projects I must start right away. I feel the pressure to accomplish everything on my list and to do it as soon as possible. I feel the urgency to go task to task without a break- since I don’t see how I could possibly take a break with everything I need to do! What does all of this pressure do to me? The pressure makes me not even want to start the list. I don’t even want to look at the list. Instead of being motivated by my to-do list, I end up hiding from it! When I realized to do lists were not working for me, I decided something had to change. That was when I started to write down things I have already done- making a done list.

What To Put

What do you put on your done list? Whatever you have done that you want to put on the list. What goes on my done list varies with how my mental health is. I have days where I need to put down that I got out of bed in the morning and wrote in my gratitude journal. I will put other items that are also on my habit tracker like taking my medicine or staying hydrated. Other days, when my mental health is better, items on my done list might include meal prepping a meal I can eat all week long or doing items on my cleaning schedule. The bottom line is that your done list is just that- YOURS.

Why It Helps

There are two main reasons my done list works. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and encouragement. Not only that, but the done list is crazy simple to do. You can write your list anywhere- paper, computer, post it note, phone- anywhere!


When my mental health is suffering, I feel as if I am unable to accomplish anything. The days go by and it is as if I have just sat there while the sun and moon rotated around me. With my done list, I can see that I am actually just not giving myself enough credit. “Wow, even though I didn’t feel like getting out of bed today, I did. That really did take a lot of effort. I also took my medicine and did not allow my mindset to skip that today.” Seeing my done lists reminds me that every victory needs to be celebrated. It reminds me that self-care is vital and taking care of myself is so important!

RELATED: Your Little Victories and Big Reasons to Celebrate!


While my to-do list is meant to encourage me, it ends up terrifying me. My done list, however, inspires me to do more. When I write out what I have accomplished, it motivates me to keep going. I can see that even though I didn’t think I could get out of bed, I did. What else can I do today? Maybe wash my face. Maybe tomorrow I will shower. Sometimes I have a running done list for the week, where I just draw lines dividing the days. This way, I can look back and see how much I have done the last few days- maybe I can even see how I have been able to add more items to my list as the days went on. I can see my work and progress and notice that I am in fact not just letting the days pass. I can see myself doing.


I love my done list. It is simple, easy, and works for me. It helps me with motivation improves my mental health. and Do you keep a to-do list? How about a done list? Please comment to tell me your tips and your thoughts on my article! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear

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Mental Health | Self-Care

Cleaning Schedule and Mental Heatlth

By on January 8, 2018
cleaning schedule mental health

Life gets crazy at times. Our to-do lists pile up, things come up from our work and personal life, and it feels as if we can barely keep our heads above water. When life gets crazy, we put things on the back burner. Unfortunately, the first things usually put on the back burner are taking care of ourselves and our space!

Messiness Mentality

When my space is a mess, and I am in a bad place mentally, I feel like I cannot control anything in life. I come home after a long day, just to a big mess waiting for me at home. A mess that I do NOT have the time, energy, or mentality to deal with. Especially since it has been steadily getting worse day after day. It becomes a terrible cycle, with the mess being overwhelming and having more and more of a negative impact on my mentality.

What can I do? I can realize this relationship between cleanliness and mental health to change the cycle! Keep reading to find out how my cleaning schedule helped my mental health and four steps to make a cleaning schedule for yourself!

RELATED: Cleaning and Mental Health: Crazy Connections

Why I Started

1| No Surprises

Some surprises are wonderful in life! Realizing you have no clean clothes to wear or dishes to use is not one of them though. With my cleaning schedule, I have an excellent idea of when the chores will need to be done. I will not suddenly see my pile of laundry and think, “AGAIN! Didn’t I just do laundry?” I know ahead of time when chores will pile up, and which chores they are, because I see them on my schedule!

2| Sense of control

Before my cleaning schedule, I felt like my chores were controlling me. I would see the mess taunting me, demanding my attention. I felt like I lost control of my space because I let it get to this point. But with my schedule, I am back in control! It is important to note your schedule does not control you (more details on being flexible later on in the article). For example, I know that today is laundry day. I can choose to not do the laundry today, but I know that today is when I typically do laundry to stay on track.

3| Stay Ahead

As I mentioned in the intro, it is far too easy to put ourselves and our space on the backburner. With my cleaning schedule, I stay ahead of the game. I have a system in place to help make life easier for myself and my mental health. I am doing what I can so that when my mental health is suffering, I do not have a mess to worsen it.

4 Steps to a Cleaning Schedule

1| How often to clean what?

First you need to know how often you need to clean. When I first decided on making a cleaning schedule, I started tracking myself:  When does the laundry pile up? How many loads will it take to clean it all? When do I run the dishwasher? Be mindful of when things are getting messy, but not overwhelmingly so. There is a sweet spot, if you will, of seeing when your chores are needing attending to, but in manageable size. I wrote an article on the benefits of tracking our habits and mood and even made this tracking PDF that you could use for this step!

2| Make the Schedule

After tracking, you are able to make a schedule that best fits your cleaning needs. The schedule needs to coincide with your personal life and cleaning needs. Keep in mind your daily routines while making the cleaning schedule. Maybe vacuuming the house after your long Tuesday workdays is not the best plan.  I was surprised when I started making my schedule because of how manageable cleaning became. Why does cleaning seem so manageable now? Because I have a plan! I can evenly space out my cleaning routines so that I am not doing every chore on the same day. 

3| Be Flexible

Your cleaning schedule is not set in stone, and that is okay. There is no perfect cleaning schedule that everyone can follow. There are times in life when there is absolutely no way we can get the laundry done on laundry day. That is okay. You are not a slave to your cleaning schedule, it is made to help you. You can switch laundry day around, split it up into two days- whatever works!

Try different routines to see what you like best. Be okay with changing your schedule. At my old apartment, there was a window above the sink with a lovely view so I preferred to do dishes in the morning. However, my kitchen now is a pretty dark place and doing dishes at night and waking up to a clean space is much better for myself.

4| Stay Motivated

Now that you have your cleaning routine, you have to put it into action and stay with it! After you clean, pause and reflect. How does it feel to have a clean space? To have been the person responsible for its beauty? Write down your feelings. I personally feel accomplished, proud, and more appreciative for my space! You can even take a photo to remember how beautiful your space looks clean to help you remember why you made this routine in the first place! To help more with staying motivated, read my 5 tips for motivation here!

Your Schedule

The most important part about your cleaning schedule is that it is YOURS. Whatever works for you is what makes it right! You can schedule whatever you want! I even have a section of my habit tracker for a “15 minute clean”. I found that just picking up my space for 15 minutes makes such a difference- so I use it! Maybe it works if you do your laundry just one load at a time. Maybe it is better for you to run out of socks first. If it works for you, do it!

Do you notice a connection between your space’s cleanliness and your mental health? Do you have a cleaning schedule? Please comment to tell me your tips and your thoughts on my article! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear

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Mental Health

Cleaning and Mental Health: Crazy Connections

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cleaning and mental health crazy connections

I notice a huge difference in my mental health when my space is cleaner. It is as if my life seems to follow suit. Realizing this encouraged me to keep up with the cleaning habit and even create a calendar to do so. After following my cleaner ways, I was wondering about the connection between the two. It did not take long to find that I was not the only one who feels better when my space is clean! Keep reading to learn four connections between a cleaner space and better mental health!

RELATED: Creating a Cleaning Schedule for Your Mental Health 

A Cleaner Space Means…

1 | Less Stress

Do you feel more stressed when your home is messier? I definitely do! And we are not alone. There is even studies to prove it! The scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin published a study about the relationship between how people describe their living space and how they feel in their homes. When people described their space as “unfinished” or “cluttered”, they were more likely to be fatigued or depressed and had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. However, when a space was described as “restorative” or “restful”, participants had less cortisol and felt more relaxed. When our space looks and feels better to us, it has a positive impact on our mental health!

2 | Increased Focus

When our area is clear, it is less distracting. The Journal of Neuroscience published a study titled, “Interactions of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mechanisms in Human Visual Cortex,” that proved this is true – in wording that was much, much more complicated. Simply put, our minds get lost in the jumble. There is a competition for our focus and the more participants, the tougher the challenge. Things that are unrelated to what you are trying to focus on are stealing away your attention. While we might fight the urge to get sidetracked, our mind is still working harder to focus. So, the clearer the space, the more efficient our mind is working! The bigger the mess, the bigger a distraction! I can definitely notice this in myself! When my desk is clean I am working faster and even feel more motivated! I thought I was just feeding off of the clean energy, but it actually might be the increased focus! 

3 | Better Sleep

Being in the habit of cleaning also improves your sleep. The National Sleep Foundation performed a study evaluating the relationship between the two. They found that 19% of people who regularly made their beds were more likely to get, “a good night’s sleep every day or almost every day.” In fact, in the same study, two-thirds or more of participants stated a clean bedroom as an important factor into getting a good night’s sleep. The connection between sleep and a clean space could also be a result of the decreased stressed mentioned above! It is also possible that people who make their beds in the morning have other healthy habits that help out!

RELATED: Evening Routine: 7 Steps for Better Sleep

4 | Space for Relaxation

With less of a mess, there is more room for relaxation! Not only that, but thanks to your lower stress levels you will be able to enjoy the area even more! It is common for areas in people’s home to be designated for a mess: maybe a chair that you always throw your clothes on top of or of a small table with piles of who knows what on top. These can be cleaned and used for something besides a mess! The chair can be cleared off and have a new purpose- reading chair? Meditation spot? Gratitude journal area? Maybe the floor is always cluttered but you could make room for your yoga mat.  Whatever you want, it is a clean slate (literally).

Cleaning It Up

Everyone’s definition of clean varies and that is okay. The key is to be aware of yourself. How do you feel when you are in your space? Are you able to relax? Are you able to focus? How is your sleep? While we may contribute other life factors to stress and poor sleep, it could be our space. Do not feel overwhelmed if you are not a clean person by nature or you don’t know the last time you saw your bedroom floor. I have an article on 6 steps to making and breaking habits and one on creating a cleaning schedule to help you out! Still worried? Here is a habit tracker you can use to be sure you stay on track!

Do you notice a connection between your space’s cleanliness and your mental health?  Please comment to tell me your tips and your thoughts on my article! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear

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Mental Health

Six Steps to Changing Habits

By on January 1, 2018
steps for changing habits

Humans are creatures of habits- and it completely makes sense why. Our brains form habits to help us. When we perform habits and act automatically, it allows us to conserve energy and free up space in our minds. In fact, “approximately 45% of everyday behaviors tend to be repeated at the same location about every day”. While habits can be our best friend, they can also be our worst enemy.

Good vs Bad Habits

When I first heard that 45% of my day was habit, I was surprised. But then I realized that my persistent negative self-talk and constantly being on social media are bad habits that I’ve formed! (Thank goodness for positive affirmations helping me change this!) Just because I did not intend to only talk to myself negatively week after week does not mean it did not turn into a habit of mine. An awful habit. That was when I thought about just how important your intention- or lack thereof- is in creating habits.

While it is scary to think we could be practicing these poor habits unknowingly, we can get rid of them. Not only that, we can choose to create good habits! How empowering to decide what we will be doing automatically! You can imagine and create your ideal life by thinking how you want to be spending your time, skills to be working on, your goals, and forming habits accordingly. Below I have outlined how to get rid of our bad habits and pick up habits that are great for you.

How to Change Our Habits

1| Identify Bad Habits

The first step to changing our habits is to identify them.

How do you spend your time? What food do you feed your body? How do you talk to yourself?

All of these are habits. Start out by journaling to reflect and recording your days to see how you are spending your time. I thought I knew how I was spending my day, but this exercise was really eye-opening. One of my biggest surprises was the amount of time I was spending on social media. (Read my article on how to take your social media from toxic to inspirational here!!)

2 | Reflect on Reason

After noticing what you are doing, ask yourself why. Reflecting on the reasoning of our bad habits can be hard, but is important to break them. A lot of bad habits are formed as a way of escaping reality and are a poor coping mechanism. I had a few realizations of this while reading the book Healing The Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families (read my full book review here!). Maybe the bad habits are formed because we are bored, unmotivated, or stressed. Maybe the issues are deeper than this. I realized my excessive time on social media and negative self-talk were because of low self-esteem.

3 | Find Your Motivation

Reflect on why you want to change your habit. What would happen if I continued to talk negatively to myself? What would happen if I decided to stop? Think about the big picture and further down the line. Who would I become in five years if I keep up with this habit?

By viewing your habits long term you are able to see if it is helping you get to where you want to be in life. List as many reasons as you can think of as to why you want to stop this habit. Keep the list somewhere easily accessible (maybe your vision board?) and use it for your motivation. 

4 | Replacing Habits

Great news- now that you are not practicing your bad habits, you have time for good habits! Building new habits may sound hard, but think how wonderful it will be when these positive actions turn automatic! There are lots of positive habits to build! I have a lot of articles for ideas on positive habits: my resolutions for better mental health, hydration, self-care, gratitude, and so on.  You can even learn something new! Whenever you feel the urge to slip into your old habit, go for your positive replacement!

5 | Repetition

Various studies have been done on habits to see how long it takes to form them. While it typically takes around 66 days, it has been noted to take between 18-254 days to form a habit. WHAT A RANGE! While there is no magic number of days to form a habit, it is clear that repetition is key. Afterall, habits in themselves are what we do over and over again.  It is also important to note that missing a day or so of a habit did not break the habit altogether- so be gentle with yourself! Be proud of yourself for working on a new positive habit and do not let a missed day turn into a missed habit!

6 | Tracking Habits

It is VERY motivating to see the improvement you are making! You can track the frequency of the habit you are trying to break as well as the progress of your new habit! Not only that, but tracking helps keep your new habits at the forefront. You know the old saying, ‘out of sight, out of mind’? This is definitely true for me and my habit tracking! I have used apps on my phone to track my habits and a pen and paper. You can read my article about tracking habits and mood for more detail on the benefits and methods! I even have a free monthly habit tracker you can print off! It is wonderful, and insightful, to look back on your habit progress!

Habits for Life

Habits are a part of life. Luckily, we can choose to create habits that better us in life! Choosing to do the same positive practices every day until they become a habit is such a powerful decision! Ridding your life of negative habits and starting positive habits is truly life-changing. For help keeping your new habits, you can read my tips on motivation here!

What bad habits are you going to change in your life? What helps you start new habits? Please comment to tell me your tips! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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Mental Health

Resolutions for Better Mental Health

By on December 26, 2017
mental health resolutions

Are you ready for a change? It does not have to be New Year’s to have a resolution! Along with a new year comes a flood of resolutions and a list of how people will make this year different and better than the past. A sure way to make this year better is to focus on your mental health! When you focus on your mental health, the rest of your life improves drastically. It is not a coincidence! Because of this, I have outlined five resolutions to better your mental health!

1 | Make Self-Care a Priority

Taking care of yourself is what allows you to take care of everything and anything else in life. Those moments in life when we tell ourselves, “I just do NOT have time to take care of myself right now” are when your body is screaming at you for some self-love. It is time to make self-care a priority in your life. There are many ways to practice self-care and to make it part of your daily routine: staying hydrated, exercising, using your gratitude journal, sleeping enough, and so on. Here is a PDF with 10 free and easy ways to practice if you need some suggestions! I also have a self-care kit that comes in handy for those times when you know you need self-care but have no idea what to do (I made a checklist here for you to create your own)! Remember, self-care is about listening to what you need.

“I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.” – Audre Lorde

RELATED: Four Benefits of Reading for Mental Health 

2 | Evaluate and Nourish Relationships

Evaluate your current relationships. Are you in a toxic relationship? Have you been practicing people-pleasing behavior? Are your personal rights being acknowledged? It is important to evaluate all areas of our lives to get a better sense of what is working and what is not. Relationships are no different. Reflect on how the person, and relationship, make you feel and impact your wellbeing.

After evaluating your relationships you are able to nurture your relationships. This includes being there for our loved ones, showing gratitude to them, checking in on them, and sending our love and motivation. Positive relationships in life help us thrive and grow, inspire us, and help us make our way through life with a little more ease and support.

3 | More Gratitude

Gratitude is vital to our mental health because we are recognizing what blessings we have in life and shining a light on them. There are so many beautiful reasons to be grateful in life. Not only that, but there are so many ways to practice gratitude! I even made this PDF filled with ways to practice gratitude and wrote an article about a short daily gratitude practice! Some days it is harder to find the gratitude than others, that is okay. More gratitude includes finding blessings in disguise and taking on an optimistic mindset! Gratitude also has benefits to our health! By adding more gratitude you will be finding more reasons to be grateful every day.

“Everyday may not be good, but there is good in every day.” Share on X

4 | Talk About Mental Health

Talking about mental health will not only help you but help others as well. Mental health is something everyone has and mental illness is something 1 in 4 people experience. It is important to emphasize how important mental health is to our overall well-being. By normalizing the talk of mental health- whether it be talking about therapy, self-care methods, or our feelings- we are breaking the stigma mental health holds. Being able to talk about our experiences lets others know they are not alone and that mental health is important!

5 | Ask for Help

It is okay to not be okay. But, we need to be able to let others know we are not okay and ask for help.  I have found that using a codeword with a support is a wonderful way to ask for help when you are having a hard time doing so! Here I list several resources for help that may be useful for you or a loved one including online support, call centers, support groups, and so on.  I also wrote an article on taking off the “I’m fine” mask to really let your loved ones know what is going on. I am a huge fan of therapy and group therapy and you can even read my tips on how to get the most out of therapy. You should feel proud of yourself for asking for help and remember there is always help for you!

It is always the right time for resolutions with mental health! If you need help staying motivated for these wonderful resolutions read some motivation tips here! What helps you prioritize your mental health? Please comment and let me know what you think of my resolutions as well! ! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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Mental Health | Self-Care

“Everything in Life is Temporary” : 5 Life Lessons

By on December 18, 2017
Everything in Life is Temporary

Many times in life, people have told me, “Everything is temporary.” This is usually said in response to a bad situation to be a comforting reminder. But, it was not until years after hearing the quote countless times that I was able to reflect on its true meaning. After my reflection not only do I appreciate this quote, but it is one of my favorite mantras. Here are my key takeaways from the saying, “everything is temporary.”

1 | Embrace the Good Times to the Fullest.

Thinking about the good times being temporary should not make you worried about when they end, but instead more appreciative while you are having them! The good times in life need to be welcomed with open arms! Life is unpredictable and the good parts should be emphasized and appreciated! Even our little victories need to be celebrated! Because this is only temporary, not one minute of happiness should be wasted! We need to express and share the wonderful times we are having as much as possible!

RELATED- Finding the Good in Every Day: Creating Your Happiness Highlights Calendar (Plus Free Printable)

2 | It is Okay to Not be Okay.

Because everything is temporary, this includes the bad times and bad feelings. It is okay to not be okay, but we must remember that the feeling is temporary and to still take care of ourselves. Use your journal to reflect and let your loved ones know that you are having a tough time. Remembering that everything is temporary allows me to feel the uneasy emotions, without allowing the emotions to overcome me. I know I will not be feeling this way forever. Just as the good times cannot last forever, neither can the bad times. 

RELATED: Taking Off the “I’m Fine” Mask

3 | Be grateful for Everything.

We are not promised anything in life and should be appreciative of everything we have. We need to show appreciation as much as possible. Not just for the good, but for our struggles as well. While this might seem hard- or seemingly impossible- finding your blessings in disguise is a great way to create a more optimistic perception. We need to express our gratitude in our relationships and let others know how appreciated they are.  I also keep a gratitude journal I write in daily! You can never have too much gratitude! 

4 | Do Not Be Attached and Go With the Flow.

Our situations in life are also temporary. Our relationships, passions, beliefs, and professions are all temporary. We cannot be attached to one thing too strongly because nothing is completely secure. We can, though, be open to change and trust the process of life. Being open to new beginnings and going outside of our comfort zone is what makes life worthwhile. A chapter of our life closing can be thought of as tough but could be a blessing.  I often look to the caterpillar as an example of positive growth and how beautiful change is. By not holding onto attachments, we free ourselves for new opportunities, new discoveries, and new journeys.

“The root of suffering is attachment.”- Buddha Share on X

5 |  Above all, be Fully Present.

Where we are now is temporary, so we should absorb every minute of it. Wherever you are in life, be there completely. Be in this temporary moment for as long as it lasts. Be engulfed by the smell of your coffee in the morning and be mesmerized by all of the beauty around you. Do not worry about when this moment or way of life will change. Instead, enjoy it for what it is. After all, it is only temporary. My meditation practice has definitely helped me live in the moment! You can read my complete article on the 7 benefits of meditation and help to get your practice started right here! 

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that’s why they call it the present.” 

Realizing that everything is temporary has become very comforting to me. Please comment below and tell me what you think of the quote and my key takeaways!  If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love just for you,

Brightside Bear  

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