Mental Health | Self-Care

Vision Board: What, How, and Help Making Yours!

February 20, 2018
vision board: how and why plus free printable

Visions for Yourself

Where do you see yourself in the future? What do you want to be, do, have, or feel in life? This is not an easy question to answer, but it is an important one. If we do not know what we want in life, then how can we go about our journey to get it? A vision board is an amazing tool to help you create this vision for yourself and make your vision happen right before your eyes!

“Don’t be a victim of circumstances and let life design you. Take an active role and be the one who designs your life.” -Unknown Click To Tweet

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is exactly what it sounds like- a physical representation of the visions you have for your life! You know the saying “a picture is worth 1,000 words”? Well, that is the whole idea with a vision board. Even if you have an idea of how you want your future to look, a vision board still helps. If you are not sure why a vision board will help you or how to make one, just keep reading and I have it all covered for you!

Why do I need it?

A vision board helps you in oh so many ways! Here are the three main reasons a vision board helps you reach your goals.

1 |Clarify your vision.

It is hard to visualize the future we want. Even harder to get specific with these ideas for ourselves. With a vision board, we are asking ourselves to truly picture the life we want and the feelings we wish to have.

2 |Life is distracting.

We can feel as if we are pulled in a million different directions with everyone needing something from us- work, school, family, friends… This makes it extremely hard to focus on our own vision. It is all too easy to lose sight of what we want, which is why we need the vision board to keep reminding us.

3 |Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the idea that what we focus on in life allows us to attract it. The same idea as to whatever you focus on expands. The vision boards reinforce our vision and the intentions we are setting for our lives! Bringing this hope and positivity into your life will bring more hope and positivity while bringing you to your goals! (Similarly why I write in my gratitude journal daily!)

How To Make a Vision Board?

1 |Reflect!

Before making your vision board, you must reflect on your vision for yourselves. What do you want in life? What feelings do you want to have and what type of person do you want to be? What types of experiences do you want? There is a lot to consider when envisioning your future. The key component is what is important to you. To help you with your reflection I made a printable specifically for making your vision board- check it out here!

2 |Believe!

After reflecting on what you want, you must believe that these things are actually available to you! If you create your vision board but do not believe in yourself and your vision, it truly is not a vision board. You must feel connected to your dreams and trust in yourself and the process of life. Remember, the only limits in life you have are the ones you create for yourself! Positive growth is always an option.

Related: Five Lessons For Positive Growth From Caterpillars 

3 |Create!

Now that your vision and beliefs are in place all that is left is the physical board to display your future! You are free to use any method you want, but I prefer a board I can update and change frequently. Because of that I would suggest a magnetic or cork board rather than gluing right onto poster board. The images are also whatever you like best! You can go through magazines, search the internet, use personal photos or draw them yourself! Be sure every image is something that you want and feel a true connection to. Make time for yourself to make this vision board- be free from distractions and in a relaxing and pleasant environment to make the connection as strong as possible.

What to put on the Vision Board?

The vision board is for your vision! Therefore, you get to put whatever YOU want on the board!  In addition to the vision board planning printable I created for you, here is a little more help on what to put on your board.

Positive Affirmations. I have placed some positive affirmations on my vision board for motivation and to help remind myself that building my future, and myself, is a process. One that really speaks to me that is currently on my board is, “I am both a masterpiece and a work in progress.” – Sophia Bush

Past Accomplishments– I placed some photos or memorabilia from times I have surprised myself in a good way. Times when I was not sure how I would do it, but wow I did it! I found that adding these have helped remind me that I can do what I set my mind to! We need to celebrate our victories!

Someone You Admire– If there is a specific person who inspires you, feel free to put them on your vision board! Maybe it is someone you know that always seems to keep their cool and look on the bright side, or it is a famous poet who has inspired you to write.

When to look at your vision board?

Place your vision board somewhere you can look at it easily and often! I have mine located right above my desk. This helps me when I am working and start to feel stuck. I just take a step back, look at my vision board, drink some water, and remember what I am working for!  

Your vision board is such an important tool and the more we are able to spend time visualizing our future positively, the better! You can even take a picture of your vision board to make it your screensaver on your phone and laptop! Make it a habit to look at your vision board at minimum twice a day, every morning and night. You can even add this to your habit tracker! I like to also imagine my board as I fall asleep at night, allowing my visions to make their way into my dreams.  

Related: Morning Routines! Benefits and How To Create A Positive Start Daily

Make Your Vision

Do you have a vision board? Does my post make you want to create one? If so, I would love to see the vision board you create- just tag @Brightside_Bear on social media! Please comment below and tell me what you think of my tips and if you have any tips to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear

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