
Using a Journal for Self-Care: Six Benefits of Writing it Out

February 27, 2018
journaling for self-care

Journaling It Out!

Journaling is a wonderful self-care tool that can help us understand and handle our emotions in an entirely new way. Throughout life, I have kept a journal on and off…mostly off. After I began to realize the benefits of journaling, I decided to make a habit of it- especially when I was stressed. But, you do not need to be an avid journaler to get the benefits! If there is a difficult situation you are in, you are feeling lost, or just need to talk about something- journaling can help! Keep reading to learn the top six benefits of journaling- plus three tips to help you out!

Six Key Benefits

1| Slow Down

Journaling helps your mind slow down when you are feeling overwhelmed and as if your head is spinning. When you begin to write down your thoughts, your thinking slows down in a way for you to process and write them easily, leading you to understand them easier. When your thinking slows down you are also able to see new perspectives of the situation and truly pause in thought.

2| Emotional Intelligence

Journaling is a great way to help understand yourself and your emotions. When you are writing out what is happening, you can have a clearer view of why you are having these emotions. From this insight, we can make connections and even notice the habits we have and key stressors. Do you feel like a people pleaser around certain people? Do you notice your social media may be toxic? Journaling makes these connections clearer for you and assists in your positive growth.

RELATED: Four Reasons to Track Your Habits and Mood Plus Free Printable Planner

3| Communication

When you are journaling you are communicating, even if it is just with yourself and the paper. You are expressing yourself, talking about your emotions and/or life events. When you are able to communicate with yourself better, you are able to communicate with others better too. You can connect with others by writing your words in a letter or stating how you feel. (Check out my article on Taking off the “I’m Fine” Mask for help with communication skills!)

4| Problem Solving

Journaling is an amazing tool in problem solving. The combination of slowing down plus increased emotional intelligence and communication skills create a problem solving toolkit, if you will. Journaling enables you to gain new perspectives and to have a clearer vision of what is happening and what is important to you, allowing you to make better decisions and being calmer in the process. Many times I have found myself journaling about an issue only to have an “AH-HA!” moment of clarity in the situation.

5| More Positivity

Journaling is another way to add more positivity into your life! I have an entire gratitude journal that I use solely for listing three things I am grateful for daily- talk about focusing on the good in life! Your journal is your safe place to write about what makes you happy and to plan your ideal future. You can use your journal for helping with your positive affirmations and finding blessings in disguise– or anything else that brings you happiness! 

6| Stress Relief

While all of the above help us relieve stress, the very act of writing out what is going on is a stress reliever in itself. Have you ever had something you cannot get off of your mind until you are able to vent about it? That is the same exact concept, but you are venting on paper. Journaling is a healthy way to release the intense emotions you are feeling- plus you are able to understand them better. After venting on the paper, you are able to take your new or clearer perspective and stop overthinking. Exactly the reason why I have a journal in my self-care kit!

Three Rules For Journaling

In order to get the most out of journaling, there are only three rules-but they are key!

1| Uninterrupted

When you are journaling, you are only journaling. This is not a time to multitask, have the news on in the background, or have your phone notifications going off nonstop. Be fully present when you are journaling so you are able to truly experience your thoughts.

2| Unfiltered

Your journal is for your mental health benefit, not your writing skills. Do not get caught up in the punctuation, grammar, or spelling of your thoughts. Just write for the emotion and the thoughts behind them. That is the main point of journaling after all! Allow journaling to be an activity free of any judgment and rules.

3| Upbeat

Be sure your journaling does not turn into a novel of negativity. Yes, it is a wonderful place to vent about all of your thoughts and feelings. But, do not end on a negative note. Whether you are ending by reflecting on your blessings in disguise or writing out positive affirmations, make sure your journal is more positive than negative.

Journaling For Life

Journaling is something that can help in every aspect of life. Whether you are journaling for therapy, a relationship, or everyday life it is sure to help you and assist in positive growth.

RELATED: Morning Routines! Benefits and How to Create a Positive Start Daily

How do you feel about journaling? If you haven’t journaled in a while try it out and let me know how it goes! See how many of the benefits you can experience! Please comment below and tell me what you think of my article and any thoughts about journaling for self-care! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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