Mental Health | Self-Care

7 Meditation Benefits and Help Getting Your Practice Started!

August 21, 2018
7 Big Ways Meditation Can Benefit You Plus Helpful Tips

While meditation has not been easy for me- it has definitely been rewarding.  After I was able to meditate on a regular basis, I began to notice some benefits. I realized I was less anxious, more patient, able to handle my emotions better and got more in touch with myself. After experiencing some benefits first hand, I decided to look into what research had to say about meditating- and it was wonderful! Keep reading to learn the top benefits of meditation, how to start today, and how to keep up with the practice!

If You Think Meditation Isn’t For You

Trust me, I have felt the same way! Sitting still and being in silence were very foreign concepts to me. I even took a class in college where someone led a meditation and I ended up falling asleep! However, after hearing how amazing meditation is and all of the benefits, I thought my busy mind could use a break. I will admit meditation was not easy to learn at first. It is a “meditation practice” because it is something you continue to learn and adapt into your life. Do not worry if you are not sure if meditation is for you because there are many different ways to meditate. Plus it is wonderful to get outside your comfort zone and learn something new. Especially something that helps you live a happier and healthier life- just read some benefits below!

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Benefits of Meditation

1 | Reduces Stress

When you meditate, you are making time for your self-care and mental wellbeing. You are also allowing yourself more space between you and your thoughts. This helps you know what things are worth your energy and attention versus what emotions and thoughts you will not allow to take over. Meditation helps train your mind to deal with stress and be aware of what is happening, increasing your emotional stability, which is huge in stress management. So not only does meditating help reduce the stress you are experiencing now, but also makes you better equipped for future stress that may come up- talk about benefits!

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2 | Improves focus

Did you know that meditation can help you focus? A study shows that intensive meditation not only helps people focus their attention but also keep their attention- even if the task is boring. Meditation also helps us maintain our focus and disengage from distractions if they occur. Mind-wandering has also been shown to decrease in people who meditate and is is usually associated with worrying thoughts about the past or future and results in being less happy. Meditating helps us live in the present moment- and get back to the present if we do get off track!

3 | Changes Your Brain’s Structure 

Not only does meditation change how your brain is functioning, it changes the actual structure of your brain. The hippocampus area of the brain is responsible for memory, motivation, emotions, and learning while the amygdala deals with stress, fear, and anxiety. In a Harvard study, it was found that eight weeks of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction increased the thickness of the participant’s hippocampus and decreased the volume of the amygdala. These results went along with the participant’s self-reports of decreased levels of stress and improved psychological well-being.

4 | Helps Preserve the Aging Brain

As we age, our brains begin to decrease in gray matter. This leads to cognitive decline, functional impairments and increased risk for mental illness. A study shows “that meditation is brain-protective and associated with a reduced-age related tissue.” People who regularly meditated have less age-related gray matter decline, and essentially a younger brain. Meditation benefits include keeping the mind calm- and the brain young!

5 | Gives You Perspective

You are not your thoughts or your emotions, you are so much more than that! Your thoughts and feelings are temporary and do not need to be in control of everything you do. Meditation has taught me that it is okay to notice these feelings without allowing them to take over. I have noticed that my mind gets angry, frustrated, sad, and anxious from time to time. But, having a meditation practice allows me to get back to the calm and realize these feelings are just passing through.

6 | Improves Relationships

Meditation does not just help you, it helps those around you tooIt improves your ability to empathize with others and gets you more in touch with how others are feeling. Being able to better identify your own emotions and talk about them with others is key in relationships! Because mediation also helps regulate emotions, relationships are benefitted from having less expression of anger or other unpleasant emotions. It is wonderful to think about how your meditation is not just helping you, but those around you as well! What a win-win!

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7 | Reduces Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

Meditation also helps our physical health. A study randomly assigned individuals that were high-risk of heart disease to either attend a transcendental meditation program or take a health education class promoting a healthy diet and exercise regime. Throughout the next five years, it was found that participants in the meditation program had a 48% reduction in their overall risk of heart attack, stroke, and death from any cause. The group also reported less stress and anger than the group taking health education classes. Meditation is good for the mind- and the heart!

How Do I Start?

There are many different types of meditations and ways of going about starting a meditation routine. I personally love the app Headspace. Headspace has basic packs to help you get started on your mindfulness journey along with helpful animations to help explain what you will be working on during the meditation. There are plenty of other free apps you can try to get the benefits of meditation. You can also start meditating by just simply sitting in quiet (with your phone off) for ten minutes noticing your breath, repeating a positive affirmation, or even walk and meditate. I appreciated having a guided meditation to help guide me through it and ease myself into meditation! There are other guided meditations you can use and possibly a meditation course or group that meets near you!

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Tips to Continue the Practice

– Remember your meditation is about you! There is no one formula that works for everyone and you might need some time to find what works for you. Do not be afraid to try out different meditations to see what really helps you.

-Reward yourself! Starting a new habit is hard! It is important to reward yourself for putting in this effort to make a positive change for yourself. Set a goal to meditate for a week straight. After completing your goal, reward yourself with something small or even something that could enhance your meditation!

Use your habit tracker! You can see how your meditation is impacting your sleep, mood, and day as a whole. Plus, you will be able to check something off of your tracker and feel accomplished!

-Make it part of your routine! Starting your day with a meditation is a wonderful way to be proactive about giving yourself a great day!

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Meditation Benefits for Life

Do you meditate? If so, how? What are some of the benefits you have experienced? Please comment below and tell me what you think of my article and any thoughts about meditation! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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