Mental Health

How to get Motivated- 5 Key Tips

November 28, 2017
motivation tips


Motivation! It is what we absolutely need to get things done in this world!  Motivation is the inner push inside of us to do…well anything. We can dream and talk about what we want to happen, have all of the necessary tools, and still not be able to get something done, all because the motivation is missing. Motivation is the key to reaching your goals- or just complete tasks that need to be done. But motivation is something everyone needs help with once in awhile! Below I highlighted my top five motivation tips!

1 | Reflect on Why You Aren’t Being Motivated

Are you worried that you will fail? Nervous about what will happen when you succeed? Nervous about other people’s opinions about you? Maybe it is a combination of these, or something completely different. Whatever is holding you back, there is no other way to get around it-  you must face it head-on. To face your obstacle head-on, you must first define what the obstacle is. It won’t be easy to dig deep and see what is stopping you, but trust me it is worth it. Journaling to reflect could be very helpful here! Once you know why you aren’t being motivated, you can finally figure out how to deal with it.

2 | Make a List of Why You Want to Accomplish This

How will you feel when you completed the task? Will you be proud of what you have accomplished and the obstacles you overcame? Will you be relieved that it is finally over?  Whatever the reason is why you want to get this done, you need to keep this in mind. Try to be as specific as possible and list as many reasons that you can think of! The more reasons to get something done, the better! I have even written down on a post-it note a list of “whys” to get certain tasks done. Let me tell you, seeing those reminders of why I wanted to get my stuff done definitely gave me an extra push to knock out some work needing to be done. My vision board does an amazing job of motivating me! You must know why you want to get this done to motivate yourself!

3 | Motivation Has To Be Repeated…Again and Again

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing- that’s why we recommend it daily”- Zig Ziglar Click To Tweet

When I heard this quote for the first time, there was a HUGE alarm that went off in my head!  I realized that with almost anything in life, I need a reminder- I need those daily hugs reminding me I am loved, I need my daily gratitude exercises to keep reminding me of the beautiful blessings in life, and I need to nourish the relationships in my life that they are important to me. So, of course, it would make sense that motivation is something that needs to be replayed in order to get the maximum impact- everything in life does! Everthing in life is temporary – including motivation! I keep a habit tracker to help myself stay on track (print your free tracker here)! Motivation is temporary and is not a one time deal, instead, it is a ritual that needs to be repeated over and over again.

4 | Realize That Only You Can Motivate Yourself

Motivation comes from within. Sure, someone else motivating you with money or something else could convince you to get a job done. But, you won’t have that inside desire and drive that is true motivation. If someone else was motivating you and then all of the sudden stopped, would you be working as hard and meticulous or just stop altogether?  

When you motivate yourself, the possibilities are endless. If you truly want something, you will be motivated by it. Even if it is just the tiniest of baby steps you can take, you can be motivated to take them. Small steps forward are still moving in the right direction! Wanting something for yourself and creating a purpose is far more powerful than being motivated temporarily by an outside force. Now, if the task you have to get done does not bring you any intrinsic motivation, the next key tip can help you out!

5 | Give Yourself Rewards

What gets you excited? Whether it is a new outfit, a donut from the bakery, or quality time doing something you love, you can reward yourself for your hard work. Making a reward system for yourself may sound a little childlike, but it really works for me- and you do not even need to tell anyone else you are doing it! With larger goals, I give myself mini rewards along the way and have a larger reward waiting for me when I am finished!

With rewards, you must be sure to do three things

1 | Do not ask too much of yourself!

2 | Appreciate the fact that you earned this reward when you receive it!

3 | Plan out your rewards ahead of time! Both of what the reward will be and what must be done to earn it!

If you don’t follow these rules, the rewards system will not work. But, if you do the rewards system correctly- the sky is the limit!

While motivation is not always easy, it is always possible.  The book You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life is a great way to get yourself motivated (read my complete review here)! I created a PDF with these key tips for you to print out to help inspire and get the ball of motivation rolling for you! What helps you get and stay motivated? Please comment to tell me your motivation tips! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love just for you,

Brightside Bear  


Show you care and share the bear:
  1. These are great tips! Have you ever heard of Wendy Gary’s procrastination cure? It is quite interesting!

  2. Thank you so much, I am glad you enjoyed my tips! I have not heard of the Procrastination Cure. Was it able to help you out?
    Sending love always!

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