Mental Health | Self-Care

Using Positive Affirmations

February 20, 2018
positive affirmation

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are a very powerful tool in self-care for helping us change the way we think. They assist us in focusing on the good things in life and giving us hope. Simply put, affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself. Positive affirmations have been used for centuries and it is very obvious why- they work! But what exactly are positive affirmations? How can positive statements truly help me? How do you use them effectively? Do not worry, I have it all covered for you below!

What are Positive Affirmations?

As I just mentioned, positive affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself. Any short and declarative statement will work for your affirmation! There are three simple rules for your affirmations to make them as effective as possible.

1 | Always in the present tense

Being fully present when you are repeating your affirmations is very important. You are focusing on who you are now. Do not dread the past or anticipate the future with your affirmations, be fully present. Focus on yourself and the affirmation.

2 | Only use positive words

Affirmations are focusing on the good. You want to focus on the positives and the hopes you have. Do not focus on what you do not want to happen! When you focus on what you do not want, you become filled with worry, fear, and what ifs. When you focus on what you want, you are using the law of attraction and reminding yourselves that what you want is available to you.

3 | Spoken as statements of facts and truth

When you are repeating your positive affirmations, you must believe them. If your affirmation is “You are strong,” you do not need to be the strongest person ever. You just need to believe in the strength you do have. You must believe what you are saying! Remember that you are growing continuously and becoming the positive affirmations.

Examples of Positive Affirmations

I am ready.

I am calm and capable.

I believe in the person I want to become.

I can do this.

I am both a masterpiece and work in progress.

I may not understand the good in this situation but it is there. (Blessing in disguise!)

I am worth loving. There is love all around me.

Why affirmations work

1 |Reframe the Moment

Positive affirmations reframe the moment you are in by focusing on the positive. Fear and negativity can be powerful emotions, but luckily so are hope and positivity. Positive affirmations use positive suggestion to take over those negative thoughts, if you will. You are refocusing on the good and boosting yourself emotionally in the process. Positive affirmations have the power to take your train of thought on an entirely new- and hopeful- path!

2 |Improve Self-Image

At first, your affirmations might feel…awkward. I know mine did. I had a tiny seed of belief that I trusted myself, but here I am repeating to myself, “I trust my inner wisdom and intuition.” However, the more I repeated the affirmation, the more I grew to believe it. I began to trust myself more and more. The new and positive self-talk might feel strange at first, but over time it will work its magic. As long as you are fully present and believe in your affirmations, your self-image will benefit greatly.

When to use Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations can be used at any time! Something I absolutely love about them! Positive affirmations can give you hope in a dark time and help with the understanding that everything is temporary. You can use your positive affirmations to help replace negative thoughts or use them alone to help build up your self-image and overall positive feelings. Another one of my favorite times to use them is first thing in the morning! Start your day off on the right foot by getting into the right mindset. Using a positive affirmation in the morning can set your goal and intention for the day and help bring you a sense of calm and strength to use throughout the day. You can also write out your positive affirmations so you can see them! I have several on my vision board to help!

RELATED: Morning Routines! Benefits and How To Create A Positive Start Daily

Am I Doing Positive Affirmations correctly?

Positive affirmations are very powerful, so we want to make sure we are using them as effectively as possible. In addition to the tips above about the affirmations themselves, here are some key tips when using these positive affirmations!

Use a mirror. Looking at yourself in the eyes while repeating the affirmation out loud makes the connection between yourself and the words stronger. Smile at yourself too- remember you are doing this to improve yourself!

Take it slow. Do not rush the affirmation. Speak slowly and clearly out loud, being sure to absorb every word and the meaning behind it. Feel the power of what you are saying.

Repeat. Repeat the affirmation at least three times during your session, the more the better. This is a mindful practice, where habit plays a key role as well.

Practice daily. The more we repeat our affirmations, the stronger the connections grow. Over time you will notice the positive impact these affirmations have on you. You can set aside time every morning to practice your affirmations and build your self-image (put it on your habit tracker!).

If you are unable to say your affirmation out loud, that does not mean you cannot say it to yourself! There have been times when I have started to feel anxious in public and start repeating these affirmations to myself. Even when I am not anxious but my mind is negatively wandering, I will start repeating my affirmations to myself.

Practicing Affirmations

Affirmations are something I believe are highly underrated today. After I started practicing affirmations, I could not stop! And believe me, I won’t! After learning about the connections between mental health and cleanliness, I even starting saying affirmations as I did dishes! Sure, it might look strange that I am shouting how awesome I am while I clean dirty plates- but who cares? I feel the positivity in my mind and body, and that is all that matters! Well, that and doing dishes I guess. The point is that affirmations are a resource that are always available to you, are easy to use, and works!

Do you use positive affirmations? Does my post motivate you want to start? Do you have favorite positive affirmations you use frequently? Let me know! Please comment below and tell me what you think of my tips and if you have any tips to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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