Mental Health

Cleaning and Mental Health: Crazy Connections

January 8, 2018
cleaning and mental health crazy connections

I notice a huge difference in my mental health when my space is cleaner. It is as if my life seems to follow suit. Realizing this encouraged me to keep up with the cleaning habit and even create a calendar to do so. After following my cleaner ways, I was wondering about the connection between the two. It did not take long to find that I was not the only one who feels better when my space is clean! Keep reading to learn four connections between a cleaner space and better mental health!

RELATED: Creating a Cleaning Schedule for Your Mental Health 

A Cleaner Space Means…

1 | Less Stress

Do you feel more stressed when your home is messier? I definitely do! And we are not alone. There is even studies to prove it! The scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin published a study about the relationship between how people describe their living space and how they feel in their homes. When people described their space as “unfinished” or “cluttered”, they were more likely to be fatigued or depressed and had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. However, when a space was described as “restorative” or “restful”, participants had less cortisol and felt more relaxed. When our space looks and feels better to us, it has a positive impact on our mental health!

2 | Increased Focus

When our area is clear, it is less distracting. The Journal of Neuroscience published a study titled, “Interactions of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mechanisms in Human Visual Cortex,” that proved this is true – in wording that was much, much more complicated. Simply put, our minds get lost in the jumble. There is a competition for our focus and the more participants, the tougher the challenge. Things that are unrelated to what you are trying to focus on are stealing away your attention. While we might fight the urge to get sidetracked, our mind is still working harder to focus. So, the clearer the space, the more efficient our mind is working! The bigger the mess, the bigger a distraction! I can definitely notice this in myself! When my desk is clean I am working faster and even feel more motivated! I thought I was just feeding off of the clean energy, but it actually might be the increased focus! 

3 | Better Sleep

Being in the habit of cleaning also improves your sleep. The National Sleep Foundation performed a study evaluating the relationship between the two. They found that 19% of people who regularly made their beds were more likely to get, “a good night’s sleep every day or almost every day.” In fact, in the same study, two-thirds or more of participants stated a clean bedroom as an important factor into getting a good night’s sleep. The connection between sleep and a clean space could also be a result of the decreased stressed mentioned above! It is also possible that people who make their beds in the morning have other healthy habits that help out!

RELATED: Evening Routine: 7 Steps for Better Sleep

4 | Space for Relaxation

With less of a mess, there is more room for relaxation! Not only that, but thanks to your lower stress levels you will be able to enjoy the area even more! It is common for areas in people’s home to be designated for a mess: maybe a chair that you always throw your clothes on top of or of a small table with piles of who knows what on top. These can be cleaned and used for something besides a mess! The chair can be cleared off and have a new purpose- reading chair? Meditation spot? Gratitude journal area? Maybe the floor is always cluttered but you could make room for your yoga mat.  Whatever you want, it is a clean slate (literally).

Cleaning It Up

Everyone’s definition of clean varies and that is okay. The key is to be aware of yourself. How do you feel when you are in your space? Are you able to relax? Are you able to focus? How is your sleep? While we may contribute other life factors to stress and poor sleep, it could be our space. Do not feel overwhelmed if you are not a clean person by nature or you don’t know the last time you saw your bedroom floor. I have an article on 6 steps to making and breaking habits and one on creating a cleaning schedule to help you out! Still worried? Here is a habit tracker you can use to be sure you stay on track!

Do you notice a connection between your space’s cleanliness and your mental health?  Please comment to tell me your tips and your thoughts on my article! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear

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  1. This is a great post and I think most can agree that a clutter free zone or home generates a clutter free mind! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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