Mental Health | Self-Care

Self-Care with Three Sentences: Gratitude Journal

November 28, 2017
3 sentences for self-care : gratitude journal

No Time For Self- Care

We all know how important self-care is to our overall wellbeing. But, some days it feels like we cannot have one moment to ourselves because of how much we are trying to get done. No time for a leisurely stroll enjoying nature, a nice long bath, or even a meal without multitasking. So how are you supposed to be mindful and practice self-care? Well, you can practice self-care with just three sentences a day!

Three Sentences for Self-Care?

Yes, three sentences for self-care a day! The sentences are answering this- what three things are you grateful for today? That simple.  Gratitude is such an insanely powerful emotion and unfortunately, it is not practiced nearly as much as it should be. Practicing gratitude reminds us of the wonderful things in this world and our lives we are blessed to have- and possibly take for granted.

When I was very stressed and not taking nearly enough time for myself, I heard from a friend to start listing my gratitude every morning. I did not think the exercise would do much because I consider myself a very grateful person. Oh, how wrong I was! I dedicated a small notebook I had to this practice- my gratitude journal- so I could look back on my reflections.

Related: 8 Surprising Benefits of Gratitude and How to Practice Today

Mindset Is Key

As with everything in self-care, your mindset matters! If you are rushing in the morning to write down three things before you run out the door, this is not a self-care practice. When you are reflecting on the three things you are grateful for today, reflect fully. No distractions, no rush. If you do not have time in the morning, leave it for lunch or when you are home for the day. It is more important that you are doing this practice mindfully than just writing out three items with your mind stressing and not focusing on what you are grateful for.

Take the time to truly feel the gratitude you have, to reflect on how wonderful this life is, and remember there is always something to be grateful for.

Why I Love It

Listing three things you are grateful for does not seem hard. I quickly learned how hard it could be. When my mental health was bad, it was so extremely difficult for my brain to think of three things I was grateful for. I would have to push myself to think hard of all the reasons I have to be grateful for. Those are the days when my gratitude journal went above and beyond its work. I would find myself thinking about the basic things I have to be grateful for- such as clean water to drink and fresh air to breathe. I would not leave my gratitude session until I had all three items. Some days it took longer than others, but those days that took me the longest also brought about the best reflections.

Try It With a Friend

I had a friend that I could tell was struggling. I talked about my gratitude journal, but he did not seem too keen on the idea for himself. So, I suggested we text our gratitude to each other every day. He thought that was great! Every morning, after I had my own gratitude journal time, I would text him my gratitude. Then he would respond and send me his for the day. It was so wonderful to share my gratitude with a loved one and to hear what they are grateful for every day. You could do this with anyone- parent, coworker, sibling, significant other- and spread the positivity this way!

Of course, I do not think this is the only way you should be practicing self-care. If you are unsure of how else to practice self-care you can download my ten free and easy ways to practice self-care! Please comment below and tell me what you think of this three sentence self-care practice and what you are grateful for! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love just for you,

Brightside Bear  

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  1. Awesome…. I felt the same after the gratitude journal..when i started it year back…but due to certain reasons i am not anle to write
    ..but your kit of gratitude is a great reminder.
    .thanks alot dear

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