Mental Health | Self-Care

Perfect Predicament: Why Focusing On Perfect Is Harmful and What To Focus On Instead

June 19, 2018
perfect predicament

Perfect. It is something that everyone seems to strive for and even more people seem to be upset by. But perfect is not something we want to be striving for. In fact, I don’t think “perfect” is even possible! When I think of trying to be perfect, I also think of a lot of people who are sacrificing themselves to try and attain something unattainable. While perfect is something that is seemed to be craved by everyone, it is actually harmful to us! Keep reading to learn the four main reasons perfect is damaging and the two things we should strive for instead!

Perfect Skews Perception

When we are focused on having a perfect time or doing something perfectly, even the smallest inconvenience can make us believe that something great is terrible – all because it is not “perfect.” If we are always focused on what can be improved or what could go better, we would miss out on the amazing things that are! Could you imagine if you did not enjoy the sunset because the colors were not how you would have perfectly pictured? You still have a beautiful sunset to look at! When we focus on perfect, it is too easy to not recognize the amazing things we are grateful for and blessed to have!

“Perfect is the enemy of good.” - Voltaire Click To Tweet

Perfect Stops Dreams

The pressure to be perfect has stopped many people from even attempting to try something new or to go after their dreams. The next thing you learn could be your passion, your hidden talent, or the calling you never knew you had. But, if you put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect, you might not try something new or stick with it long enough to keep improving. Did you know that there are seven different learning styles? The learning process is complicated and unique for everyone. If we set our expectations on ourselves to be perfect when trying, we might get too frustrated with ourselves and end up giving up altogether.

Perfect Is Subjective

Take a moment to think about your “perfect” day. What would be considered a perfect day for one person might be an awful day for another. If you asked me my favorite meal a few years ago, without hesitation I would have shouted chicken parmesan and ice cream for dessert! But, now I am a vegan and the perfect meal has changed completely (don’t worry though I still eat plenty of dairy-free ice cream). Just like everything in life, what is deemed perfect is not only subjective but can be changed! So, how do we judge what is perfect and what is not? It is simple, we can’t.

Perfect Is Impossible

The expression itself, “I am only human” says that we make mistakes and are not made to be error free. We might think someone has the perfect life because of the misconceptions on social media, but oh how wrong that is!   Even when the “perfect” new piece of technology comes out it ends up needing a replacement part eventually or the company invents a new and improved model before you know it. For us to be perfect is not only unrealistic, it does not even seem to be that desirable when you truly think about it. There are other things we should focus on instead of trying to be perfect.

RELATED: How to Take Your Social Media from Toxic to Inspirational 

So if we are not going after being perfect what should we be striving for?

1 | Authenticity

Nobody’s perfect! The pressure we feel to not only try to be perfect but to try and seem like we are perfect for others is damaging to us and our loved ones. When we are finally able to let go of this unrealistic idea, we are able to be more honest with ourselves and those around us.  We are able to let our support know that we are struggling and we are able to take off our “I’m fine” mask of pretending, we are finally able to ask for the help, support, and love we might need. When we are more authentic and open to others, they feel more comfortable being authentic and open with us. We are able to realize that we are not alone in our struggles or our fears.

2 | Progress And Gratitude

Instead of focusing on being perfect, we need to focus on our progress and what we have! It is all but too easy to ignore the huge improvements we have been making in ourselves or the big steps we have taken towards our goal. It is important to celebrate our little victories we have and to be proud of ourselves for our hard work! Not only do we need to focus on our progress, we need to focus on what we have. We need to be able to be grateful for everything we have in life, even our blessings in disguise. When we are able to focus on how far we have come in our lives, the progress we have made, and our wonderful blessings, we do not have time to worry if it is perfect- because we are thankful for what we have!

What are your thoughts on trying to be perfect? Please comment below and tell me what you think of my thoughts on perfect and any of yours to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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