Mental Health | Relationships

How to Take Your Social Media from Toxic to Inspirational

November 20, 2017
how to take your social media from toxic to inspirational

Social Media’s Evolution

Social media has grown into a normal part of our everyday lives. Wake up, check social media, then get out of bed. This is a common morning routine for plenty of people. Over the years, what I use my social media for has changed drastically.  When I first started with social media, it was about making sure I could connect with every single person I have ever met! Slowly, my news feeds filled with everyone I knew and their mothers (literally).

Over time, I viewed social media in a new light. Your social media should be a sacred place. You decide who you allow to see your life and whose life you want to be continuously updated with. Social media is an amazing way to stay connected with people we care about, to keep up to date with the world we live in, and to find inspiration. But, social media can easily go from being a positive resource in our lives to harming our mental health. Keep reading to learn how to turn your social media from toxic to inspirational!

RELATED: Morning Routines! Benefits and How To Create A Positive Start Daily

So how do we get the most out of social media? Here are my four tips for you!


 Go through the lists of people you are following or interacting with on social media. Reflect on how the person makes you feel. Does this person bring you negative feelings? Do you roll your eyes whenever they post an update? Do you feel negative feelings towards them or yourself whenever they show up? GET RID OF THEM!

One day while on social media I realized just how much my newsfeed was impacting my emotions in a negative way. I saw a post from someone I have not seen or talked to in YEARS. I saw their face on my screen and I immediately thought of the negative encounters with them and my negative feelings I still had. As soon as I realized I had no obligation to be connected on social media to people who only brought me negativity, I felt unbelievably free. You do not need to be a people pleaser, even on social media. I came up with a rule: If I would not say hello to someone if we ran into each other in the real world, I would not stay connected with them on social media. It just makes sense.


What makes you smile?  Fill your newsfeeds with what makes you feel happy, motivated, alive, and every other positive emotion you want in your life! On social media there is an account for pretty much EVERYTHING you could possibly imagine. Start connecting to accounts that will overflow your newsfeeds with posts that will make you feel positive and bring a smile to your face! 

I follow accounts that are about adorable animals, positive affirmations, silly jokes, beautiful photography, self-care, and of course positive mental health.  If you are trying to learn something new follow some accounts for inspiration! Following a few accounts that only post about what makes you smile or feel motivated brightens up your whole newsfeed! Seeing inspirational accounts played a part in why I began my positive Instagram account and started this blog!


Social media can be addictive. Obsessively checking to see how many likes your photo has or refreshing your page over and over to see what people are up to are very unhealthy habits! Try to check your social media sparingly and not whenever you open your phone or laptop. Social media can be hard to avoid when we are getting notifications sent to us constantly. If you feel obligated to click on those notifications on your phone as soon as one pops up or find yourself checking for notifications- take the notifications off!

When I first realized I was on social media a good bit, I decided to start tracking myself- and it was eye-opening! To see how much you are on social media, there are free apps you can download to help track and monitor your phone time. You can even delete the social apps off your phone to have less access to them. Do not let social media life get in the way of living your life. Put the phone down, and enjoy the moment in front of you to the fullest. Like all good things in life, moderation is key.


You must realize that social media does not represent real life! People choose what they post on social media. They typically do not post themselves at their worst- people tend to not even post the “average” parts of their lives. Social media posts are the highlights of someone’s world- complete with filters to look even grander. While scrolling through, keep in mind the beautiful photo is representing a perception of a moment and not someone’s entire life.

Do not compare yourself to the posts themselves and do not compare the number of likes, followers, friends, and so on either.   Your worth is not determined by how many people like what you posted or who follows you on social media- your worth is determined by YOU. The book You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life is a great resource for building your self-esteem and you can read my review on it herePost to social media because you genuinely want to share with your loved ones- not because you feel pressure to impress others.

The Impact

Social media has a larger impact on our well being than most people realize. The beautiful possibilities of connecting with loved ones or people with similar interests has been made so much easier! We should definitely use social media for our benefit- to connect and grow. Don’t forget that snail mail is still a great way to keep in touch and spread the love too!

I hope my tips help you have a social media newsfeed that helps lift you up! How do you get the most out of your social media? Please comment below and tell me what you think of my tips and if you have any tips to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

Show you care and share the bear:
  1. I am so glad that you enjoyed the post! It was so eye-opening for me to see how much my social media was impacting my mental health and I am so glad I could help! Sending love always!

  2. Great post! I’m going to review my social media accounts today and make some changes. Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much! I hope the changes to your social media changes have helped you out! I truly was amazed at the difference it made for me.
    Sending love always!

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