Mental Health | Self-Care

Appreciating Your Body

August 28, 2018
Appreciating your body

Do you appreciate your body? I do not mean do you like how your body looks- I mean do you appreciate everything that your body does for you. It is too easy to take our bodies for granted and not realize how much we are blessed with every single day. Our bodies are what carry us throughout life and allow us to have special experiences! It is important to not focus on how our bodies looks, but to focus on what our bodies can do. Keep reading to learn about different reasons to be grateful for the body you have and how to appreciate your body more every single day!

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What to Appreciate

There are endless things we can appreciate about our body! Here are just a few things that I am grateful about in terms of my body and what it allows me to do!


You have traveled so far and in many different ways because of your legs. You have run in the park, walked through a museum soaking up knowledge, danced in celebration and maybe even skipped down the street. Your legs have literally carried you through life. When we learn how to walk as babies, no matter how many times we fall down we keep getting up and trying again and again. Our legs help us become fearless and keep us moving forward.

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Take a moment to think about your arms and everything they allow you to do. Your arms allow you to wave and be friendly to a stranger. You hug your loved ones in your arms, showing your care for them. You are able to hold children, maybe even carrying them around with you to enjoy life together. Your arms have helped you to comfort others and create a space safe for people to be vulnerable. You have been able to pull yourself out of bed in the morning because of your arms!


Your voice has so much power! It is how we communicate with others- how we express our ideas, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Our voice allows us to tell others that we appreciate them and are grateful for them in our lives. Our voice also allows us to stand up for our rights and to let others know that we are not okay. We can use our voice to help those without a voice by volunteering and speaking up for others. We are able to tell stories, our hopes and dreams, laugh, and create deep connections through our voices.

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Your hands are being used all of the time. I am using mine to write this article right now in hopes of spreading love and positivity. Just before this, I used my hands to create some food to nourish my body. You have held hands with someone to show your support, love, or just that you want to be close with them. Your hands have been used to wipe away countless tears from your face and other’s.  You have used your hands to make a homemade gift or explore the world around you. Our hands are used to spread the love to others and ourselves.

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” Audrey Hepburn Click To Tweet

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Constantly Working

Your body is constantly working for you! Even when you are sleeping, your body is working hard. There are billions of cells in your body that are focusing only on keeping you healthy. Your body is fighting off diseases, breathing automatically, handling your blood flow, and making sure your organs are functioning properly. That is definitely something to be appreciative of. Could you imagine if you had to think about every breath that you took? Our body does a lot of work we do not have to worry about so we can enjoy more of our lives!

How to Appreciate Your Body More

1 | Take Care Of Your Body

The best way to show your body that you appreciate it is to take care of it! There are many ways you can take care of your body. Here are some ways to take care of your body every single day.

Morning Routine. Include some light stretching in your morning routine. Every morning when you wake up, thank your body for resting and rejuvenating itself so you can enjoy the day.

Evening Routine. Just as you started your day being thankful for your body, you can end your day the same way and even stretch a little more. Every evening when you go to bed, tell your body how much you appreciate what it has allowed you to do throughout the day.

Stay Hydrated. Hydration is key for your mental and physical health. It only takes 2% of dehydration to impair performances and function of our mind and body. By staying hydrated, we are taking care of everything from our organs to our bones to our blood.

2 | Do Not Compare

Every single person is unique and so is their body. We have all lived a different life and our bodies work in different ways. It can be too easy to compare ourselves to celebrities or to people we see in social media. However, comparing our body to others is the opposite of appreciating your unique body! Think of the personal experiences your body has been part of and how grateful you are to have your arms to hug or your voice to express yourself. Embrace your individual body and celebrate everything it does for you!

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Your Body for Life

It is important to not only make peace with our bodies but to appreciate everything our bodies do for us. We have our bodies for life! If we are able to be grateful and show our body how much we love it, our lives will be more positive and peaceful.

What does your body do that you are most grateful for? How do you show your body that you appreciate it? Please comment below and tell me what you think of my article and any thoughts about what your body can do! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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