Why Can’t We Do Everything All At Once?
There is simply too much to do! It is unrealistic to try and get everything done that we want to right now. There will always be a trip I want to take or a project I want to finish on my to-do list. Knowing that I cannot do everything is the very first step to creating a life of productivity with less stress-I know that I am not setting unrealistic expectations for myself. I am aware that I cannot focus on everything right now- and I do not have to focus on everything right now! Do not worry though, not doing everything right now actually allows you to get more out of life! Keep reading to find out how to get the most out of your life and how knowing you can do anything but not everything is a blessing!
How Do We Get the Most Out of Life?
1 | Focus on What We Can Do- and Do It!
Every day I complete a “done list.” It is exactly what it sounds like- a list of tasks I have completed for the day! My done list helps to keep myself on track as well as remind myself that I am actually being productive and to be sure to give myself the credit I deserve. I also have a habit tracker where I track A LOT of habits (print off your free one here!). I see my habit tracker as a list of items I hope to get done every day, but realistically I know this cannot happen every single day and it is okay. It is easy to focus on everything we are not able to get done, let’s try to focus on what we do get done! Plus, when I am recording the tasks I am doing, I am motivating myself to add more items to my done list and check more items off my habit tracker!
2 | Focus on What Truly Matters
In life, we can often feel as if we are being pulled in every single direction possible. Like I said, we live in a world that is overflowing with opportunities and options for us. Our responsibility is to figure out what truly matters to ourselves. We need to focus on what inspires us in life, what gives us new meaning, and what makes us happy. Take some time to journal and reflect on what matters to you. I created a vision board to help with my focus and I have it placed right above my desk!
RELATED: Vision Board- What, How and Help Making Yours!
3 | Focus On Enjoying What You Are Doing
If you are aiming to get everything done, you will probably end up enjoying nothing. This is because you will be too focused on the next item on your to-do list and move too quickly through life to truly enjoy yourself. Life is about balance and we need to take care of ourselves while we are pursuing our dreams! Jen Sincero has this lovely quote from her book, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life (read my review here!): “Do what you can do in joy instead of trying to do it all in misery.” This quote is reminding us that it is okay to not get everything done, what is important is the journey we are taking.
4 | Do Not Focus On the Unnecessary Distractions
Because we live in a world full of opportunities, we also live in a world full of distractions. Take some time to reflect on what distracts you. Do you have an unhealthy relationship with social media that takes away your precious time? Are you taking on the role of a people pleaser and putting yourself last? Take some time to evaluate your physical space as well. There are many connections between our mental health and a clean space. A clean area and making a cleaning schedule can help you focus more on what is important to you. By getting rid of unnecessary distractions, we are able to spend more time focusing on what matters to us.
5 | Remember You Can Do Anything
There truly is no limit to what you can do- anything is possible! Do not allow the fear of failure to get in the way of your dreams! When you are learning something new, keep in mind that there are seven different learning styles and everyone learns differently! Be patient with yourself, stay motivated, keep pushing yourself, and do not be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone. I have the positive affirmation, “I believe in the person I want to become” on my vision board! It can seem a bit overwhelming to believe that you can do anything, but it is also incredibly freeing!
Enjoying It All
It is important to note that while we cannot do everything, we are able to get more done with help. Do not be afraid to ask a friend for help or to even use a professional service for help with something. Feeling the need of should being able to do everything adds to life’s stress. Open up about your true feelings and be honest with your loved ones about how you feel. The book Healing The Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families has helped me realize that life is about more than getting everything done and it is important to release my very own Child Within (read my review here!). Life is about balancing work and play while trying to enjoy every bit of it. Do not feel the need to do everything and be sure to know you can do anything!
What are your thoughts on being able to do anything but not everything? How has this realization impacted your life? Please comment below and tell me what you think of my thoughts on doing anything- but not everything- and any of yours to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!