What is it?
A happiness highlight calendar is exactly what it sounds like- a calendar that you fill in with something that added a little extra happiness to your day! Make sure you write down something specific to bring you back to that moment of bliss. You can record anything that brought a smile to your face and warmth into your heart! Whether it was a little victory you accomplished or a delicious dessert you made- as long as it made you happy! This past month I have a huge range recorded on my happiness highlights from kind words someone said about my article to finding a penny on the sidewalk and finishing a good book-just to name a few! It is so simple to track your happiness for the month! Plus at the end of the year, you can have a little stack of paper to see what made you smile every single day.
Your Own Happiness Highlights Calendar
1 | Print the happiness highlights monthly calendar I created just for you!
2 | Every day, take a moment to reflect on something that made you smile or brought you some extra happiness!
3 | Summarize your happiness and write it on your square for the day! Take some time to truly relive those moments and replay the events in your head.
4 | Enjoy looking back and seeing something that made you happy every single day of the month!
What I am Learning
The bad does not take away from the good.
This quote by Frazer Hines perfectly summarizes the lesson learned: “The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.”
I have a right to focus on the things that bring me happiness.
Before I have felt unnecessarily guilty for enjoying something in life. By recording my happiness I am reminding myself that no matter what is going on, I have a right to happiness.
Not one thing makes me happy.
Looking back on my calendar there is a wide variety of events I listed as my highlight of the day. I can see that happiness is complex, unpredictable, and can be found anywhere.
Try to use your happiness highlights calendar DAILY!
It is hard to remember something good that happened last Wednesday- unless you wrote it down last Wednesday night! When we write down our happiness right after it happens, we are more likely to remember the details and build a stronger memory to the event itself. You can even make a space for your happiness highlights on your habit tracker to make sure you don’t skip a day or two!
Keep your calendar for later to reference!
It is all but too easy to forget the “little things” that can bring us such joy! When we have our calendar to reference it is impossible to deny that we do have happiness! You can even keep your calendars in your self-care kit to look at in times of some extra love! Your happiness from the day can still bring you happiness in the future!
Why I love My Happiness Highlights
Your happiness highlights calendar is a simple tool that can show you how beautiful your life is- every single day! When you realize the seemingly small things in life are what brings you happiness, you become more aware of these moments- and enjoy them even more! Gratitude has many benefits and your calendar lists a moment every day that you are grateful for! Your happiness calendar helps to remind you that there is always a bright side!
“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Share on XWhat are your thoughts on using a happiness highlights calendar? Please comment what you think of my happiness highlights calendar and if you try it out for yourself! I would love to hear what highlights you find for the month! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for emails and follow on social media for the positive world of Brightside Bear!
So love this idea!! 💖
Thank you!
I am so glad! I hope you try it out and record your happiness for the month! It really has become a wonderful way for me to reflect on the day and to realize the wonderful things we are blessed with daily.