Mental Health | Self-Care

8 Surprising Benefits of Gratitude and How to Practice Today

March 13, 2018
gratitude benefits and ways to practice

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”  Marcus Tullius Cicero

This quote about gratitude says just how important it is. Gratitude is when we feel and express appreciation for anything. Without gratitude, we would not be able to enjoy the beauty of the life we are blessed with. It is so simple, yet oh so powerful. You can never, ever have too much gratitude in your life! In fact, gratitude impacts your life more than you might think. Besides being happier because you are acknowledging all of the positive around you, there are also physical, social, and emotional benefits to gratitude! I could go on and on about the wonderful side effects of gratitude, but I listed the ones I found most interesting and unusual. Keep reading to see the top eight reasons to add more gratitude to your life (plus ways to practice today)!

1 | Physical Health 

Being more grateful can improve your physical health*. It might sound strange, but there is a reason for this connection. When you are grateful for your life, you want to make the most of it. With a happier outlook, you tend to take care of yourself more and live a more active lifestyle. A study found that grateful people feel healthier and experience fewer aches and pains. They also attended check-ups more regularly and take charge of their future.

2 | Sleep 

Going along with better physical health is improved sleep! It has been shown* that people who practice gratitude not only sleep better but sleep longer too! This might be a result of taking better care of yourself. Maybe the happier thoughts throughout the day lead to sweeter dreams. After making my vision board, I have been envisioning it before I fall asleep and focusing on the good I have and the good I am working towards.

3 | Patience

Patience is something everyone struggles with now and again. But did you know practicing gratitude can make you more patient*? I was surprised too! It turns out that people who practice gratitude for the “little” everyday things were also more patient (shoutout to my daily gratitude journal). I have found that after starting my gratitude journal, I feel a deeper appreciation for everything. Now I am able to wait for something I want easier because I know it is worth the wait or I am able to allow my gratitude to be stronger than my annoyance.

4 | Self-Esteem 

When you increase your gratitude, you notice more positive things about your life. You also start seeing yourself more positively. The positivity of your life overflows into a positivity about yourself- especially if you are using positive affirmations. A study* was done to test the relationship and it is true, a grateful person also has higher self-esteem. This could be because of less social comparisons and that you are now feeling grateful for someone else’s success.

5 | Resilience 

Gratitude not only helps you see the good things you have, but it allows you to overcome the hard times in life too. When you are practicing gratitude, you are being positive and in the moment, focusing on only the wonderful things that are happening right now. There have been multiple studiesdone to show how gratitude helps with overcoming trauma. I see this as being related to seeing our blessings in disguise too.

6 | Kindness

Someone who practices gratitude also practices kindness, even when someone is rude to them. When you express gratitude you are showing appreciation for the good and not letting the bad get in the way of seeing the positivity. It has been shown* that people who practice gratitude more are not only more likely to express empathy and sympathy but are also less likely to experience aggression and seek revenge (check out my reasons to say no to revenge here!).   

7 | Relationships 

In a relationship, it is important to show appreciation to one another and tell someone how much they mean to you. Not only is gratitude key to your existing relationships, but it could also help create future relationships. When meeting someone, they are more likely to see an ongoing relationship when they are thanked and appreciated*. They can probably sense the kindness and positive mindset that comes with the gratitude! I mean, who wouldn’t want to be friends with a grateful person?

8 | Positivity

When you are more grateful, you have more things to be grateful for. The Law of Attraction is the idea that when we focus on something in life, we attract it (why I have my vision board!). In gratitude, this could not be truer. Since I started adding more gratitude into my life, I have found more to be grateful for. I think it is a combination of attracting positivity and acknowledging the “little” things.

Gratitude: Unlimited Reasons and Ways 

There are so many reasons to practice gratitude! I have only mentioned eight above, so you might have to find more on your own! Don’t worry though, here are some ways you can start practicing today!

Say “Thank you”! Never underestimate how powerful our words are to others! It is important to be vulnerable and to be appreciative in relationships

Blessings in disguise! Seeing the positive in the hardest of times proves that there is always something to be thankful for. Read my article about finding your blessings in disguise here!

Gratitude List! Take out a piece of paper and fill the page with things you are grateful for! If you feel stuck, take a few deep breaths and keep thinking. You will be amazed at how much there is to be grateful for!

Thank You Letter! It is no surprise that I am a fan of snail mail! Thank you letters are a classic way to show your appreciation with a unique touch.

Gratitude Journal! Every day I write in my gratitude journal- read here to see how to start yours! I even have it on my habit tracker to make sure I reflect daily!

Volunteer and Donate! A great way to show your appreciation for a cause or organization is to get involved! You can show you care by helping out and giving back. Plus, volunteering has benefits on its own!

Positive Affirmations! It is important to show appreciation for yourself! Positive affirmations are a wonderful tool for this- check out my article all about what positive affirmations are and how to use them!

How do you practice gratitude? How has someone truly showed you gratitude before? Let me know! Please comment below and tell me what you think of my top benefits of gratitude and what ones you have to add! If you know someone who could benefit from this article, please show you care and share the bear! Be sure to sign up for my emails and follow on social media to get the most of the positive world of Brightside Bear!

Written with love for you,

Brightside Bear  

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